Monday, 22 July 2013

Kidmageddon: Day 1

Okay, so Saturday 20 July was the first day of Hubby's holiday with the kids, but without me.

Both kids came to my room and woke me up to say goodbye. I'm pretty sure I got a cuddle out of each of them, but to be honest my brain was pretty frazzled (on account of it being ludicrously early, and of me having had a suitable amount of wine the previous night to help me cope with my rather significant distress). They asked whether they should text me and I asked them to do so every day, then I wished them well, asked them if they'd packed all the important stuff, and they went on their way.

So-called Hubby didn't bother to say goodbye to me. Probably because he feels so guilty about what he's done that he can't stand the recriminations he so richly deserves. (As an aside: he said that he'd spend the entire week with the kids pretending to be happy & enjoying himself so that they wouldn't see how much it's upsetting him that I'm not there. Yeah. Well, arsehole - you should've thought about that before organising a holiday without me, shouldn't you???)

So I've resolved to do as much as possible for myself to try to keep my spirits up while they're away. On Saturday, I caught the bus into town (remember that mention of having drunk wine the night before? Hic!) and spent a couple of hours mooching around town, mainly looking for birthday presents for one of my daughters whose birthday is around the corner. I found her a couple of nice things, and then I spent a bit of time buying myself a couple of nice things.

I bought a couple of LGBT T-Shirts from American Apparel (and fuck only knows where I'm going to stash those so that they don't get Hubby's panties in a bunch when he comes back; my Gay Pride flags have been in the boot of my car for a month because I haven't figured out where to stash them in the house); I had a nice lunch at a posh eaterie that my kids always resist visiting because they're such picky buggers; and then I went to an - ahem - adult shop where I bought a few adult things to play with, because isn't that the most fun you can have when you're on your own and the kids aren't around the house? Apart from walking around in your undies, that is (and yes, I've been doing that too!).

Then on Saturday evening I relaxed by watching Beetlejuice - a movie I loved as a teenager but haven't seen for several years. Then I retired to enjoy the treats I'd bought for myself during the day.

So yes, I managed to do a couple of nice things for myself on Saturday. After all, nobody else is treating me like a human being, so I might as well do it myself, mightn't I?

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